Traumatic Jaw Injuries
Traumatic injuries, such as jaw fractures or dislocations, can happen during sports, falls, collisions, assaults, or even as a result of major dental procedures.
These may or may not require surgery or a period of immobilisation, depending on the severity of the injury.
Imagine if you broke your leg or dislocated your shoulder. It is normal to expect a period of healing – maybe in a cast or a sling – followed by rehabilitation with a physiotherapist to help regain your strength and mobility and manage your pain.
The jaw is no different. After a traumatic injury, you are likely to experience pain, weakness, tightness or stiffness, and this can increase your risk of developing TMJ dysfunction. Our team can help you recover from your injuries, and ensure your TMJ function is correct, so you are less likely to experience pain and dysfunction in the future.
If you have suffered an injury to your jaw, make an appointment NOW.