Anxiety & Jaw Pain

Did you know that anxiety and TMJ (temporomandibular joints) may often be related?

In fact, untreated anxiety and chronic stress may result in chronic muscle tension and pain in the jaw, mouth, ears, teeth and sinuses. TMJ disorder stems from the strain of the temporomandibular joints. This joint is located on both sides of your face and is close to your ear. It is an intricate joint connecting the upper and lower jawbones, as well as the skull and spinal cord. When the TMJ joint becomes irritated and inflamed, blood flow is restricted, and pain may lead to headaches, neck tension, lockjaw, teeth clenching and grinding, or even tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Many TMJ sufferers develop additional stress and anxiety due to their ongoing search for answers and constantly dealing with pain that will not go away. 

Anxiety is a normal emotion felt by practically everyone. It can be difficult to manage all that life presents us and a surge of emotions and stress can quickly impede our ability to function and cope with everyday demands. Severe anxiety disorders may lead to insomnia, fatigue, and overall pain throughout the body, where anxiety and TMJ disorder inevitably become a two-way street.

Through a multidisciplinary approach with your physiotherapist, dentist, dietician and massage therapist, help is at hand. As a member of the multidisciplinary team, a psychologist is able to explore your stress and anxiety and work collaboratively with you to help you understand and effectively manage your underlying stress and anxiety symptoms, thereby providing jaw pain relief.